February 7th, 2018
Bug Fixes:- Fixed fringe case where item tags could be 'orphaned' and then irremovable
- Staks worktops will correctly generate supports when in two corners:

New Features / Changes:
- Added Staks 'asymmetric' 120 corner worktop

- Loewenstein is now a smart extension:

- Pulse is now a smart extension:

September 15th, 2017
We have created a OFS Seating Tab to make First Office Seating easier to work with!

We have reduced the number of icons as you can see.

With Guest Seating you can select the Back Style right inside the dialogue box

With Lounge products you can stretch to the size you want

August 31st, 2017
We have created a First Office Seating Tab to make First Office Seating easier to work with!

We have reduced the number of icons as you can see.

With Guest Seating you can select the Back Style right inside the dialogue box

With Lounge products you can stretch to the size you want

August 17th, 2017
Yesterday we quietly snuck in a mid-August update to the OFS Extension. This included some bug fixes and a few small feature requests. More importantly, though, it also included the new Staks Benching Electrical items with a large reduction in pricing.
You will now see that our Staks benching electrical includes the 3 circuit and 4 circuit options in both economy and premium kits. As requested in one of our training sessions, we now allow for the wire-infeed for benching to be at several locations, not just the ends! So now you can have a central floor core infeed location.

Keep your eyes peeled! We have another update coming soon, and its one we think you're going to like!
June 15th, 2017
OFS Brands had their best Neocon ever this year! Were you able to make it out to our showroom? It was amazing! If you didn't get to see it, you can check out all of pictures here: http://ofsbrands.com/neocon/2017
Over the weekend OFS Brands released an updated extension for our users. This extension was in conjunction with the Neocon show in Chicago. It includes most of the new products shown at Neocon this year, as well as a few added catalogs we've been working on. We are continuing to work hard to get the rest of our products in, especially the Best of Neocon Silver award winner: Heya. That product, along with the Intermix Huddle additions, and some electrical changes to our Staks and benching lines are still being worked on at this time, but we hope to have them for you soon. In the meantime, here's what we were able to release for your use:
Staks: the Smart extension received some new products for a refresh. Single Sided benching, rounded corner tops and tackboards, a wood base (including for standing height), and a new wall-mounted shelf with a storage option. All of these are in the smart extension now!
FOF: The First Office tab received some new products as well. In particular you will find the new Range height adjustable benching product, as well as the new Staks Inline height adjustable benching. In First Office Seating we also had some additions to the Coact product which includes booths (double sided units) as well as work height and standing height tops mounted on the back of the straight, single sided units.
OFS: The OFS Tab received a new product line as well as some additions to seating. To start off, Kintra Tables were added as a casegoods line with worksurface and standing height tables available. Also, Impulse G2 saw the addition of Frameless Door options on highbacks and other storage. (Note the data is there for these, drawings are still being worked on but should be available soon) In OFS Seating/OCC Tables we added the new Lona chairs as well as Rowen, the new seating line by designer Brian Graham. Harpin is also included, the new line with the most comfortable support! And last, but certainly not least: the Best of Neocon Silver award winning occasional tables Wyre are found here as well!
Loewenstein: The Loewenstein tab includes the enhancements to: Hinchada, including the shallower, easier to sit on, units; Tangent with its additional power options, which are located right below the new wall mounted tops!
CBF: The Carolina Business Furniture tab and smart extension also received quite a few new products! First, Mile Marker, the first smart extension we created, saw the addition of the new "Z" lockers! Be sure to check them out! CBF Seating saw a few new additions as well: Serony, a new, full line of products; the new HIP award winning Saven rocker, designed specifically for new mothers; Elani Lounge; and the Best of Neocon Silver award winner, Hug! And finally, we also added the Theatre product line to the CBF tab!
As you can tell we have been very busy, and will continue to get the rest of our products into CET! Keep an eye out for more updates soon! And don’t forget to sign up for this year’s user conference in Las Vegas! We hope to see you there!
May 24th, 2017
Two Big announcements this time!- We have reduced our tabs by over 80%. We went from 56 to 11 Tabs...this was driven back feedback from you! Also in this new view we have implemented a faster and easier to use Filtering system.
- OFS Brands Products are now working on the Hedberg Direct Link tool inside of CET.

December 28th, 2016
Today we have release our full Quickship catalog on CET Designer. Be on the lookout for the QS Logo!

QuickShip Pricing provides information on model numbers and options to order your QuickShip product. QuickShip Brochure showcases product specifications and images of each product. All QuickShip orders are subject to inventory levels and credit approval.
QuickShip casegoods, tables, seating and healthcare products within 12 business days of receipt of a complete “clean” order.
*Orders for QuickShip products shipping to Maine, Oregon or Washington deliver on or before 14 business days.
December 14th, 2016
This update includes bug fixes, enhancements, and new items to our Staks extension. Here's a sampling:
Added 9.5" Legs: Staks new storage items on legs are now available in CET.
Staks Worksurface Icons: Updated all of the icons in the extension for easier selection when placing.
TAGs export in SIF: Added a new OFS Sif option that includes TAGS as well as package count corrections for certain (ahem) programs.
Staks Wing Ends: Now adjustable to different depths on the deeper tops.
MBARs: Use the MBAR supports with the H-Legs, and modesty panels.
Privacy Panel sizes: Now when you place a privacy panel routed into a special panel size, the PVP resizes accordingly with a new model number.
30" Deep Center leg: In benching, the 30" deep tops now trigger the 42" deep center leg as needed.
Bookcase Organizer and Electrical snapping: Both will now snap to the end of a surface as well as along the back side.
Power Infeeds: Users can now select the different power in feeds available, including Title 24!
Several other corrections and bug fixes.
November 18th, 2016
October 24th, 2016
This coming Monday, October 24th, we will be releasing our next update for the OFS Spec+ extension. This release will include the following products in Pure Catalog extension form:
Impulse G2: The complete line, broken into 4 tabs. Modular, Casegoods, Height Adjustable, and Storage.
Element: The complete line in one tab. Note that at this time changing the options will not show any graphical changes other than finishes. We hope to have the multigraphics ready by the end of the year.
Riff: The entire line of Riff tables in one tab.
Intermix: This is broken into 5 tabs. Tops, Bases, Support and Storage, Work, and Accessories and Electrical.
Quest: Both the Laminate and Veneer are broken into their own tabs. No graphical changes will show other than the finishes at this time.
We are super excited about getting these ready to release for you. We have a couple more coming in November as well, so be on the lookout for another post from us.
Finally, one other thing that is happening with this release:
Staks Electrical Jumpers: No longer causes a crash when placing jumpers.
Staks Propagate: Items no longer disappear when using this tool on storage pieces.
Staks Wing-Ends: Placing the Wing End no longer removes any CP1 clamp plates.
Staks Panel "special" sizes: This one actually released already, but we thought we'd go ahead and make the official announcement about it. To utilize this tool simply place your panel into your design. Once placed, use the Allow Special Widths check box in the properties window. Then drag your panel from 12" to 59" in 1/2" increments. The model number and pricing will automatically update for you.
There are some other misc. bug fixes that happen in this release as well. We hope that you find them helpful! And please, keep reporting those bugs and feature requests!!
Have a great weekend!