Step 1: Open 2020 Catalog Diagnostics (Start button/All Programs/2020 Technologies/)



Step 2: Select the catalog you wish to remove and press the remove button. Note: If multiple 2020 software’s are installed (CAP / Giza / Worksheet) the catalog will be listed for each software package and will need to be removed for each. Simply click on the first one then hold down the CTRL button as you select the other software catalogs.

Step 3: Click on the remove button as shown above.

Step 4: In the Progress dialog box, click on the "Start" button.

Step 5: Once completed click the "Close" button in the lower right corner of the progress dialog box, the close the 2020 Diagnostics window by clicking on the red X in the upper corner.

At this point if you have downloaded new catalogs from the website, this is when you would install them. Simply find the downloaded file and double click on the DSAZIP file to begin installation. Accept all of the defaults for install. Once the catalog is installed, close the install window. You can delete the download file once the catalog has been successfully installed. (We recommend testing it in your software before removing the DSAZIP file.).

If you have any further questions please let us know at