When it comes to OFS Brands Revit families there is a very important file that MUST be saved in the same folder as the family. It is a TXT file that contains all of the information for the family being utilized. When we were starting to get into using Revit we decided that we would use a function called "Type Catalogs". This means that the family contains the types that are similar in each revit family. If you open the family you'll probably think it is wrong due to the number of items in the family. You have to place the component into your RVT file and select the types you wish to bring in using the type catalog/TXT file combination.

Here's an example of how that works:

Step 1: Click on Component/Place Component

Step 2: Click on Load Family

Step 3: Find the family that you want to place (Keep in mind that the TXT file HAS to be in the same location as the RFA file):

Step 4: Select the file(s) (you can hold CTRL and select more than one at a time) and then click on OK.

Step 5: Select the component(s) that you wish to utilize in your project by clicking on them. You can hold CTRL to select more than one in a list:

Step 6: Click on OK to return to your project.

Step 7: The items should be in your list:

Again, please be sure that all of the files are in the same folder when downloading the Revit families from our website.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. etools@ofs.com