The way textiles are specified has changed. Instead of selecting the grade first, you will now pick the manufacturer first followed by pattern/grade, then colorway.
OLD method:
Fabric grade
Fabric manufacturer & pattern
NEW method:
Fabric manufacturer
Fabric pattern & grade
Why is this happening?
More consistent with how other manufacturers' data is displayed.
Allows us to release updates such as grade changes more quickly.
Will I need to do anything?
In CET, no! We are writing code that will migrate existing drawings.
In CAP/Spec, possibly. Since we are unable to write code in those software programs, we created an external link/tool to convert old files to the new way. With this tool, you will load the SIF file that you export from CAP or Spec. Be sure to update CAP and Spec when the update is available!
Where will the Textile Migrator SIF tool be located?
Here is the link:
Launch date
In CET, Spec, Specify & Price, and R12 = Saturday, August 10th 2024
In Cyncly expect to see these changes the week of August 19th 2024